New York City

"Tech is built by and for people. So the question is: Who do we want our future builders to be, and how do we invest in them?”

Judith Spitz she/her
Founder and Executive Director of Break Through Tech, former CIO at Verizon

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Stories and Insights


A.I. Program Aims to Break Barriers for Female Students

A new program, backed by Cornell Tech, M.I.T. and U.C.L.A., helps prepare lower-income, Latina and Black female computing majors for artificial intelligence careers.

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Jessica Nguyen: A Break Through Tech scholarship leads from a movie club to a dream internship with Disney

Jessica’s experiences with Break Through Tech and the Grace Hopper Conference have convinced her that you don’t need to attend an Ivy League school or have the perfect resume to find opportunities.

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Break Through Voices: In Conversation with Kate Atchison, Site Director at Break Through Tech DC at UMD

The best way to understand the shape and power of Break Through Tech’s work is to hear from the people who are part of it — from the young women participating in our innovative programs to the leaders who host those programs inside their organizations and the team members who run our programs in cities around the country and online.

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